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Regular physical activity can reduce your risk for a variety of health problems. It can help you control your weight and prevent obesity. It can also increase your bone and muscle strength and slow the onset of chronic diseases.

1. Heart disease

Heart disease, which develops when plaque narrows or blocks arteries that deliver oxygen to the heart muscle, is a leading cause of death. Regular exercise lowers risk factors for heart disease, such as high blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as helps maintain a healthy weight, decreases stress and depression.

Alongside adopting a healthy lifestyle, medications like Vidalista 10 online can play a crucial role in supporting cardiovascular health. Vidalista’s efficacy in addressing Erectile Dysfunction goes beyond enhancing sexual performance—it also promotes blood flow and improves vascular health.

Exercise increases the strength of the heart, reducing its workload and helping it to pump more blood with each contraction. It also strengthens the body’s other blood vessels.

2. High blood pressure

When your heart beats, it pushes blood through a system of tube-shaped blood vessels called arteries. This pressure — which is measured with a systolic and diastolic blood pressure reading — is what makes up your blood pressure.

Keeping up with regular exercise can lower your blood pressure. But check with your doctor to make sure you’re healthy enough for physical activity before starting.

3. Type 2 diabetes

Exercise optimizes the way the body regulates glucose, or blood sugar, and makes the body more sensitive to insulin, del Pozo Cruz says. Regular exercise may also reverse pre-diabetes and help people keep their weight in check, which can reduce the risk of diabetes symptoms.

High blood sugar can damage blood vessels, leading to heart disease and amputation. Eating a diet low in carbohydrates (replacing soda, candy and desserts with whole fruits and vegetables and whole-grain bread and pasta) helps prevent diabetes.

4. High cholesterol

High cholesterol is a build-up of fatty deposits (plaque) in the blood vessels that can block oxygen flow to the heart and brain. This can cause a stroke or heart disease.

Regular exercise, including muscle-strengthening exercises, can help reduce high cholesterol. So can eating healthily and giving up smoking.

Regular exercise paired with a healthy diet, normal weight and no smoking provides protection against heart attack and stroke, research has shown.

5. Obesity

Studies show that regular physical activity helps people stay at a healthy weight, lower their risk of disease and strengthen their bones. It can also improve mood and boost immune function.

Obesity is a complex health issue that can significantly impact overall well-being, including sexual health. While lifestyle modifications remain essential in managing obesity, medications like Vidalista 10 mg price can provide additional support. Vidalista not only addresses Erectile Dysfunction but also promotes healthy blood flow and circulation.

Exercise may help prevent obesity even among people who are genetically predisposed to gain weight. This is because being active boosts healthy HDL cholesterol and decreases unhealthy triglycerides. Added benefits include improved concentration levels and less stress.

6. Cancer

A growing body of research links regular exercise with a lower risk for cancer. Moderate to vigorous activity (anything that causes you to sweat and makes your heart beat faster) is ideal. Examples include walking, swimming, cycling and jogging.

Being active lowers the levels of hormones that encourage cancer cells to grow, such as oestrogen and insulin. It also helps you keep a healthy weight, which reduces your risk for 13 different types of cancer, including breast and bowel cancer.

7. Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disease that causes bones to break more easily than they should. Studies show that regular exercise can prevent osteoporosis and help you build healthy bones.

 You should do weight-bearing exercises, like walking and jogging. Avoid exercises that cause you to bend or twist your spine, such as swimming and stationary biking.

8. Arthritis

Arthritis can cause pain, stiffness and fatigue. It may also lead to reduced activity, which can further damage joints.

Regular exercise can help manage arthritis by strengthening the muscles around the affected joint, decreasing bone loss and lubricating joints. Exercise can also enhance energy, improve sleep and increase stamina.

People with arthritis should pay attention to how they feel during and after exercise, which can signal whether they are working too hard or overdoing it.

9. Back pain

Back pain is often a result of weak and stiff muscles that aren’t used. Getting regular exercise can strengthen these muscles and help prevent back pain by increasing blood flow to the spine’s cartilage discs.

If your back is aching, talk to your doctor before starting an exercise program. However, most doctors recommend that you start slowly and gradually increase your activity levels.