Recently the organizations have one more thing add to their plate with the rise of remote working patterns.  Employees need work facilities at home but let’s just be honest that productivity level can’t be the same. Along with fighting the droppe productivity level, and other major and minor issues one is work theft and data security. ACFE reports state that 

  • 5 % of revenue is lost every year by companies due to fraud incidents. 
  • Lack of internal control in companies causes One-third of the cases.

Now there are different ways to manage the internal control area and to enhance the security and monitoring department. The custom method may be to include hiring more people and involve labor to deal with or you can choose the easy way out. It is about the use of technology to keep up with the employee’s daily progress reports and other work-relate matters. Spy app or monitoring software usage is the new trend and we are here for that. One of the best phone spy apps that can help an employer to keep a close eye on employees is the OgyMogy spy app. 

Call History Record:

Know about the call record of the target employee during working hours and find out about the incoming and outgoing calls. Keep a check on the call logbook and any spam or useless call that is not work-relate. 

Calendar Schedule Alert:

OgyMogy’s best phone spy app lets the user have access to the built-in calendar and schedule plan so the employees. Thus in case if any employee is planning to celebrate a birthday party by applying for emergency sick leave you will know about that. 

SMS History:

Monitoring of text message record is necessary and OgyMogy offer SMS history tracking feature to its users. You can read the sent and receive message with the date and time. Access to the inbox lets the employers know about any inside dispute or matter among the employees.

GPS Location Tracking:

Real-time GPS location tracking feature reports about the pinpoint location of the target person to the user. You can even track the whereabouts history as well. OgyMogy is the best phone spy app in a way that it also allows the user to make a virtual safe or restricte zone on Google Maps for the user. 

Access To Bookmarks:

Many websites become the source of distraction for the employees in working hours and waste precious time and resources of the employees. OgyMogy can take care of that matter for the employers as track the internet browsing history feature of the spy app offers remote access to the browser activities of the employees. You can check what kind of websites are accesse by the employees and if they are work-relate or not. 

Remotely Monitor The Photo Gallery:

With smartphones and gadgets, it is easy for employees to share or leak confidential information in the form of images or videos. You can assure that such incidents must not happen by using the OgyMogy spy app. Keep an eye on the gallery of the target cellphone and know about any possible dispute image or video file beforehand. 

Emails Monitoring:

Email monitoring is a must when it comes to employee monitoring app. You can check all the sent and receive emails, have access to the draft folder and even monitor the attachment details as well with the spy app. 

Real-Time Access To Screen:

Real-time access to the employee’s screen is possible with the best phone spy app the OgyMogy . This feature can be very useful in so many ways. You can know about the individual work involvement of every employee with the help of this feature. Thus evaluate daily or weekly productivity of employees and track anyone who wastes working hours in playing games or any other useless activity. 

OgyMogy can also be use as parental control as it can be your secret guardian angel to take good care. of your minor kids. Use it to monitor the teenagers through a tablet. cellphone, laptops. And desktops and keep an eye on their digital life. All the features are offere in the bundle form so it is easy to select the bundle of your choice. 

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