Choosing the best name for a child is the first responsibility of parents and also the first fundamental right of children. When a child is born, parents feel fun and joy in naming their child. Choosing a tremendous name for a newborn baby is such a joyous moment but it is also a difficult task. Because a name is the first identity that stays with a person in this world and afterwards. Names have deep impacts on a person’s behaviour, personality, and the future life. Parents should choose their children’s names according to positive, religious, and cultural affiliations.  Islam laid emphasis on selecting a meaningful and positive name for a child. A number of verses in the Holy Quran and Hadiths are quoted in this regard. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) dislikes bad names and He (Peace be Upon Him) changed people’s bad names into good names. There are 99 names of Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), and Muslim families mostly give these names to their children for strong religious belonging. This study gives you a perfect guide to finding the ideal name for your child. Let’s discuss the detail;

Importance of Names: (Islamic Perspective)

 Islam laid great emphasis on assigning the right names to children. In the teaching of Islam, giving a positive name to children is the responsibility of parents and also a basic right of children. This is not an easy task, so parents do not take this challenge lightly. Because improper names destroy a child’s personality which leads to inferiority complexes such as frustration and isolation. Names have far impacts on human behaviour, personality, and future life as well. 

Islam said that name choosing is the responsibility of the father. If the mother has suggested a good name, then parents will decide their child’s name mutually. So, parents choose the name for a child in such a way that the child feels comfort, pride, and positivity with his name rather than facing mockery and ugliness from other children. The Holy Prophet said: “There are three rights of children over their fathers. The first is to give a good name to their children. The second is to give the best education to their children. Third is to help them in selecting their spouses”.  

Apart from this, in society, the social significance of a person’s name is not denied. Individuals are recognized by their names in society. Their names also indicate which family they belong to. For instance, parents name their child after that person’s name because they are highly impressed. In Muslim religious families, parents name their child after prophets. For example; Muhammad, Issa, Ibrahim, and Musa. Sometimes parents choose their children’s names on the prophet’s name like Ahmed, Mustafa, Hashir, Nazeer, and other 99 names of Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him). With these names children develop strong feelings about those people’s achievements or deeds and try to make themselves as them as they can.  Persons also use good people’s names to propagate their projects or special buildings or places. 

The Prophet said: “The best names are the names of the prophets”.

If the Prophet Muhammad (May Peace be Upon Him) found a companion or a place to have a bad name then He immediately changed his/her name. He changed the names of His companions Abd al Uzza to Abdullah, Abd al-Shams to Abd al Wahab, etc. He said: “Choose the best names because you are called with these names on the day of judgement”.

A Guide to Choose Perfect Names: (General Perspective)

In general perspective, there are some important things you must consider to choose a perfect name for your child. 

Meaningful and Attractive:

When you choose a name for your child, you must look at their meanings. Select a name that has a positive meaning and attractive sounds. Parents should choose a name that symbolizes religious and cultural values and have melodious sounds when they are pronounced. For example, Abdullah (servant of God), Amin (trustworthy), and Alexander (leadership, strength). A meaningful and attractive name gives pride, comfort, and strength to your child. 

Choose Unique Names:

Many parents are interested in giving a unique name to their child. A unique name gives your child special attention in the crowd. Unique names are appealing and expressive. But make a balance between uniqueness and practicality. Do not choose a unique name that does not mean good because those names may create confusion and difficulties in your child’s grooming. 

Strong Cultural & Religious Considerations: 

Keep your cultural and religious considerations in mind while selecting the name of your child. The deep cultural and religious roots have lasting impacts on human personality. Many parents consider the cultural background when choosing a name for their children because they want to preserve their cultural values and honor their great forefathers. On the other hand, many parents want to prevail over their strong beliefs and faith, so they choose a religious name for their children. 

Choose a Significant Name:

Assigning a proper and significant name to your child is not an easy task. The significant names may be your honorable family members’ names, religious names, and literary names. These names not only enhance the significance of a family’s history but also make a strong bond among generations and nations. According to the surveys, 67% of families preferred to choose a religious name for their children. 42% of parents choose names for their family honoring and 21% of parents are interested in giving literary names to their children.

Easy Pronounced and Spell:

The other most important thing you need to consider while naming your child is to choose a name which should not be difficult to pronounce and spell. The controversial names create confusion in the future upbringing of a child. Lengthy names may be difficult to pronounce. So, parents should keep a balance between uniqueness and length of the name. The dichotomy of names also creates confusion in calling the child’s name. All these things must be kept in mind when deciding a name for your child.


Choosing a perfect name for a child is a joyful experience but it is not as easy as we think. Name is the first identity of your child and this identity remains with the person in this life and hereafter. 67% of parents preferred religious names for their parents. They choose names from 99 names of Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) and other religious personalities like Hassan and Hussain are the most privileged names in Muslim families. However, selecting the best name for a child is the parent’s personal choice but they must consider the above-mentioned aspects including cultural considerations, name length, meaning, pronunciation, and significance. In short, a name is the first step of a person’s personality development. Good names have a good impact and bad names have a bad impact on individual personality.