The importance of temperature sensors can be easily understood by knowing their characteristics. There are several types of temperature sensors, including thermocouples, RTDs, and non-contact types. They have different outputs, and they can be integrated into a control system or compensation system. Read on to find out more about each type and how they work.


Thermocouples are a type of temperature sensor, made from a junction between two metals. They have a greater range of temperature measurements than most other sensors and are typically used in small sensor assemblies. They are available in both NTC and PTC versions, with positive and negative temperature coefficients.

Different types of thermocouples are used for different applications. The most popular types of thermocouples are the J and K types. Although these types of thermocouples have different temperature ranges, both types are generally effective in measuring temperature. J-type thermocouples are popular in food production, hospitals, and other high-temperature environments. They are also recommended in vacuums and reducing environments.

Type B thermocouples are suitable for applications in steel industries. Type C thermocouples are used in high-pressure research and nuclear reactors. Type E thermocouples are used in cryogenic and sub-zero applications. They are also suitable for use in inert environments.


RTDs are used to measure temperature in industries. They are used as thermocouples to monitor the temperature of liquids, gases, and solids. They also can monitor the flow rates of oil and water. In addition, they can be used to measure the speed of a shaft. These types of sensors are available in two-wire and four-wire configurations.

The linearity of an RTD is an important property for accurate temperature measurement. A high linearity means that the resistance will change in proportion to the change in temperature. This makes RTD sensors reliable and accurate. Another important feature of RTDs is their stability. They tend to be more stable than thermocouples or other temperature sensors. In other words, they are more reliable and accurate over time.

RTDs are often made of platinum, which has an extremely wide temperature range. They are made of two, three, or four wires, and are usually insulated with fiberglass or Teflon. They also come with standard thermocouple fittings, which are insulated with Teflon.

Non-contact type sensors

Non-contact type temperature sensors are used in industries to monitor temperatures without requiring the sensing element to come into direct contact with the surface. For example, an IR radiation thermometer can measure the temperature of a boiler without having to physically touch it. Non-contact temperature sensors differ from contact types in a number of ways.

Non-contact type sensors work by detecting the change in temperature of a substance and converting the change into a readable electrical signal. This signal is then displayed on a readout unit. There are three main types of temperature sensors: thermocouples, thermistors, and non-contact type sensors. The components of a sensor are the thermocouple, extension cables, sensing elements, and connectors or connecting heads. A temperature sensor also needs associated components, such as insulating beads or protective tubes.

Temperature sensors have many applications in industries, including monitoring the thermal effects of biomedical and physical activities. They also help characterize materials and monitor chemical processes. In many applications, absolute temperature is not an essential factor. Absolute temperature is often monitored for compensation purposes. Depending on the application, the main requirements may be stability and resolution. Absolute accuracy is also less important in some applications.


Temperature sensors in industries help to monitor the temperature and humidity levels. They alert facility managers to changes in temperature and humidity, enabling them to take corrective action and make informed decisions. They also help to maintain a balanced atmosphere within the facility. For example, sensors can control free airflow throughout server racks to prevent electrostatic discharge and condensation. They are often placed in hot zones and near air conditioning equipment.

When selecting a temperature sensor for an industry, it is important to choose one that is suitable for the application. For example, a surface-mounted sensor might not be effective in a mining operation, where the heat is difficult to detect. A probe-type sensor, on the other hand, is suitable for such difficult-to-reach locations. In addition, sensors placed on a heat sink will read a lower temperature than a sensor placed on a hot surface. Different process environments, insulation thickness, and pipe sizes will also affect the temperature the sensor measures.

The placement of temperature sensors is critical for the accuracy of temperature measurements. For example, a sensor should be placed close to the source of heat, but the temperature change should not be too abrupt. A temperature sensor placed farther away from the work area will result in an increased spread between the max and min temperature, reducing the accuracy of temperature measurements.