The PC104 is a compact and modular computer standard that features a stacking bus structure and a compact footprint. Instead of using a backplane, it uses a variety of connectors to create a rugged and compact system. The four asymmetric corner mounting holes and the stackable connectors allow for easy and flexible configuration.

The PC104 is ideal for the large software and hardware markets, as it follows the mainstream development of PC bus technology. This eliminates time-to-market and helps minimize the development costs. Its pinouts are completely defined, which enables interoperability and interchangeability. This allows system designers and users to customize the system according to their requirements.

Technological Based

The PC104 uses the PCI and ISA bus technologies, as well as various other components and processors, such as the Intel Pentium and other x86 chips. System designers can easily build a compact and powerful system using the standard. Software developers can also benefit from the extensive resources available for the development of software for the PC.

The ability to easily create new products by using the various components of the PC104 allows system designers to create new products. This is because the large number of functions and features available on the market can be easily accessed by the end users.

They are Compact

The PC104 boards are only 3.55 x 3.775 inches, which allows them to fit in tight spaces, such as vehicle engine compartments, portable instruments, and satellite platforms. For instance, the Prometheus CPU was used in a research satellite that was only 4 x 4 x 12 inches. Despite the small size, the CPU still provides all the features of a single board.

They are Interoperable

the PC104 boards from different manufacturers worldwide are designed to work together seamlessly, and they feature a variety of features to help you build a powerful and compact system. No matter what type of component you need, such as the CPU, I/O, or power supply, these modules are designed to work together seamlessly.

They are Rugged

The four corner mounting holes and the pin and socket stacking system of the PC104 are designed to withstand the harsh environment, which makes them ideal for military equipment and vehicles. This ensures that the system will not be damaged by shock and vibration. Our boards are also designed to operate under the temperature ranges of -40 to +85 degrees Celsius. This ensures that they are ideal for various outdoor applications.

They are Stackable

The design and location of the PCI, ISA, and PCIe connectors allow PC104 modules to be stacked or connected using building blocks. A typical PC104 stack might include a single board computer, a power supply module, a data collection module, and various peripheral devices such as storage devices and network modules. You can easily create a customized PC/104 system for your exact requirements by stacking multiple boards on top of each other. This feature makes the system compact and rugged, and allows you to choose the boards that you need.